Sunday, June 23, 2013

What's in Your Camera Bag? No. 5

by Kyle White

I first fell in love with film photography last year when I first tested my father’s 1974 Canon Ftb. The photos turned out so close to what I originally envisioned that I was hooked! I’ve been testing and growing with film photography ever since.  I recently had a small shoot in downtown Salt Lake City and used the following equipment:
·         -Nikon F100 w/ 85mm f.18 lens
·         -Mamiya RZ67 w/ Polaroid Film Back
·         -Polaroid SX-70 – Sonar OneStep

The Nikon F100 has been my bread and butter ever since I decided to get a little more serious with shooting film. It’s a wonderful 35mm SLR that has simple functions that give you great control over your shots. I especially like the multiple exposures function in order to take double exposures.  One thing I don’t like about it is that the battery dies really quickly after showing “half full”. I have since got used to conserving battery by removing the battery casing after each use.  The 85mm 1.8 lens produces amazing results that have even been mistaken for medium format sometimes.  I mainly use manual focus, but it’s nice every now and then to have the autofocus function. It’s perfect for portraits.

 The Mamiya RZ67 is such an awesome and versatile tool.  I love the interchangeable back and use it to mostly shoot Fuji Polaroid film lately. It’s so fun and addictive to shoot polaroids! I highly recommend it.  The fact that everything is manual with the RZ67, helps me compose and take time to think about all facets in order to make a better shot. The only bad part about the RZ67, or “Bessie” as I call it, is how heavy it is. The weight is fine though because it makes it feel like a real art machine every time I hold it. When that shutters fires, you can really feel it.

Speaking of Polaroids, the SX-70 is a fun little machine that’s easy to take anywhere. The great thing to me about the SX-70 is that you’re able to have a little more control over things like focus and brightness when shooting Polaroid film.  Even with those extra controls though, you can’t fully predict how the Polaroid going to turn out; but then again that’s why it’s so great! The imperfections make it something that you couldn't plan on, and that what makes it beautiful. This shot was taken with expired film.

 Along with those cameras in my bag, I usually carry things like extra film, a reflector, lens pen, and a gorilla pod just in case.
No matter what cameras or equipment I use, I love that film photography is a medium that allows me to create something that feels more like a little piece of art. Thanks to everyone who has supported me in this endeavor so far. The best shots are yet to come!

Thank you Kyle for writing this article! Give him some love,

Copy Right 2013
Analog Revival

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